Maian Cube Changelog ( [+] Added [*] Updated/Removed [-] Bug Fix/Security Advisory Version 3.1 (31 Jul 2023): ----------------------------------- [+] Added http/https protocol option for base path to prevent mod_security issues [+] Added official support for PHP7.4, 8.0, 8.1 & 8.2 [+] Added year switcher for admin dashboard graph to see stats for selected years [+] Added support for the PHP mail function [+] Security enhancements and layout alterations [+] Added Nette Tracy PHP debugging system for better error reporting and exception handling (2.10.2) [+] Added more controls to admin WYSIWYG editor including image, media, link, colour and formatting options [*] Updated Savant3 template engine for PHP8.2 compatibility with non-declared dynamic properties. Savant3 will be removed in a future version of this software. [*] Updated Mobile Detection Class (3.74.0) [*] Import, export and licence download routines now use the system temporary folder. This is auto cleared by the garbage collector and is used for better performance. [*] Security enhancement. Backup folder path must explicitly be set in admin CP now for security. [*] Update trumbowyg jquery plugin (2.27.3) [*] Updated Bootstrap library (3.4.1) [*] Updated Ioncube loader wizard PHP file (located in docs/ioncube) folder. [*] Documentation updated. 404 links removed or updated and typos fixed. [*] Updated sortable jQuery plugin (1.15.0) [*] Updated chartist jQuery plugin (0.11.4) [*] Updated jQuery javascript library (3.7.0) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.8.0) [-] Added fix for servers running MySQL in strict mode which caused certain queries and installer to fail Version 3.0 (29 May 2019): ----------------------------------- [+] Added license search option to accounts admin area to enable buyers to search licenses [+] Added control links on admin popup action messages for quicker navigation [+] Added batch delete operations to all admin list screens [+] Added option to restrict the amount of times a product license or property can be updated [*] Updated buyer license edit to only write timeline if something was changed [*] On buyer profile update, if nothing has changed, no email notifications are sent and no timeline is written [*] Brand new user portal CP [*] Password reset updated to be more ambiguous for security. User can now choose new pass, rather than being emailed a password. [*] Password storage updated to use PHP`s password bcrypt API. All passwords must be reset. [*] Updated admin list screens to use stupid table JS plugin for quick table sorting [*] Brand new admin CP [*] Min PHP version required to run Maian Cube is now 5.5 or higher [*] Updated Font Awesome icons/vector library (5.7.1) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.0.7) Version 2.3 (01 Jun 2017): ----------------------------------- [+] Added support for PHP7.1 [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (5.2.23) Version 2.2 (03 Feb 2017): ----------------------------------- [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (5.2.21) [-] Fixed language issue that caused ajax responses not to complete for some admin operations [-] Fixed pagination button text error on entry log page [-] Fixed several broken links in documentation [-] Added missing "Add Product to Account" document file. [-] Fixed bug where admin email notifications via the api were sent to the buyer Version 2.1 (13 Aug 2016): ----------------------------------- [+] Added support for PHP7 [-] Fixed database backup issue when database name was in uppercase characters [-] Fixed installer bug for database with hyphens in name [-] On admin backup page, last updated date was showing incorrectly as creation date Version 2.0 (14 Oct 2015): ----------------------------------- [+] API log can now log all POST data sent (except api key) if enabled. Useful for debugging. [+] Added option for users to be able to edit license data. This is optional. [+] Added page management system to easily add new pages [+] Added admin entry log to log time / date / IP of admin users [+] Added admin staff option. You can now add additional admin users to manage licenses [+] Added white label license. Market and sell Maian Cube as your own. [+] Added option to show latest products and licenses on account dashboard [+] Added view option to admin and account areas to quickly view all license parameters [+] Timeline entries now added when admin adds products and licenses to account [+] Timeline can now be searched by date range [+] Admin notes can now be added against licenses [+] Added smtp security option, from name, from email and other address option [+] Brand new responsive HTML5 system via Twitter Bootstrap [+] Updated API for remote license creation only. Useful if you want to use your own application to handle all ops. [*] 7 day license restriction removed for free version. [*] API response can now be http headers (default) or JSON. See docs. [*] Updated input validation to parse property keys beginning with numeric values. See input validation docs. [*] When creating license, email attachment has been removed, license must be downloaded from account area [*] Templates now theme based system for frontend. [*] When updating password in account profile, existing password must also be entered for security [*] Trial license removed, restrictions imposed on products & licenses for free version [*] When generating a license in admin you can now load all values from existing product, not just passphrase [*] Sale data can now have purchase date updated as well as license amounts [*] Deprecated MySQL functions removed and replaced with MySQLi [*] Emails now plain text and HTML by default [*] Removed PHP mail function, SMTP now required [*] Removed ioncube encryption system (now only required for license generation) Version 1.0 (29 Jul 2012): ----------------------------------- [+] v1.0 Released